"ValoVisio" project development plan
In early 2019, the Jyväskylä City Board approved the new objectives of the City of Light project. These objectives carry the name "ValoVisio2030" ('light vision'), and state the following:
- Jyväskylä aims to be the most insightful city of light in the world.
- Jyväskylä has the courage to question former operating models and set an international example.
- Urban lighting, tourism and business together form an entity that is united by light.
- Everything is based on a holistic individual experience - not on a single street, building or artwork.
- In Jyväskylä, light connects science, technology, culture, economy and people.
To implement the "ValoVisio", we intend to increase the supply of various light art and lighting professional events, clarify the situation and need for educational services in the field of lighting, to update the general lighting plan of Jyväskylä and to boldly carry out pilot projects serving various urban development and business initiatives.
You can find the "ValoVisio2030" in a Netpaper form (in Finnish only).